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Logbuch Klimaticket

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Track, analyze travel habits for Klimaticket Österreich research

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Designed exclusively for members engaged with the "Klimaticket Österreich" study, the Logbuch Klimaticket app is a vital tool for tracking and analyzing travel habits. Participants are required to enter a registration code to utilize this specialized platform, ensuring bespoke access to individuals involved in the research initiative.

Holding a Klimaticket and possessing an interest in contributing to crucial environmental research comes with an open invitation to participate, provided the research terms are agreed upon, respecting data privacy at every step. In return for valuable input, participants are eligible to join an incentive program, a gesture of appreciation for contributions made.

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The app simplifies the process of documenting journeys. It adeptly identifies the transport mode used, tabulates the frequency of trips, and accurately measures distances and average speeds. These insights are not only essential for participants but also instrumental in refining the Klimaticket service based on actual usage patterns.

Every trip made contributes to a broader understanding of the carbon footprint associated with Klimaticket travel. By offering rich statistical feedback, the platform helps inform users of their environmental impact and shapes future enhancements to the service. This serves the overarching goal of making the Klimaticket a resounding success, aligning with sustainable transportation objectives.

If optimizing an eco-friendly travel experience is important, the Logbuch Klimaticket stands as a digital ally in advancing environmental research, all while navigating effortlessly through daily transit.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about Logbuch Klimaticket 3.38.42

Package Name at.klimaticket.logbuch
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
1 more
Author infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft
Downloads 4
Date Mar 23, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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